II. Wellington Bootloader

This chapter to written to show you what would be possible with compiler support. However, it does talk about the architecture of MIPS, and you'll need it later.

Remember the steps to boot the console? Let's put those into action.

"Both CPUs start from the same BIOS ROM"

Both CPUs start at the same fixed address in the virtual memory space: BFC0'0000, the start of BIOS ROM.

Both CPUs effectively mask the virtual address with 1FFF'FFFF. This results in BFC0'0000 being mapped to 1FC0'0000 by both chips; the two addresses are interchangeable and reference the same data. As you will see later, BFC0'0000 seems to have practical problems in binutils (it seems like the pointer is treated as signed, leading to strange behaviour), so I will often refer to 1FC0'0000, which does not have these issues.

Also worth mentioning is that in MIPS, everything with the virtual 8000'0000 bit set is kernel memory space and everything without it set is user memory. This is a mostly theoretical distinction when working with a bare metal MIPS target like the PlayStation 2 though, because the console is almost always in kernel mode when playing a game.

"Figure out if you are the EE or IOP"

MIPS has a 4 coprocessor interface baked into the ISA; this provides a standard method of accessing custom features of each chip without needing a new assembler for each of them. These coprocessors were left defined but unspecified, however MIPS has conventions for them:

  • Coprocessor 0 (COP0) is the system control coprocessor; essentially a set of registers containing processor state. Because it contains such important information, it is mandatory and found in all MIPS processors.
  • Coprocessor 1 (COP1) is the floating point unit, and all floating point math goes through it. The IOP does not have a floating point unit, and the EE's floating point unit is very nonstandard, which is why our code doesn't use them.
  • Coprocessor 2 (COP2) is left for custom accelerators, and both the EE and IOP use them.
  • Coprocessor 3 was originally for more custom accelerators, but it got repurposed into more floating point operations. Neither CPU has this coprocessor.

We will need COP0 for this, and it too has conventions for register names and contents, although not specifically what the register contains. The specific register we need is COP0 register 15, which has the mnemonic "PRid" for "Processor Identification".

The PRid register looks like ths in both CPUs:

[fancy diagram showing the least significant byte being marked "revision number" and the second least significant byte being marked "model number"; the other bytes are "reserved"]

On the EE, the model number is 0x2E, while on the IOP the model number is 0x00 (it was a much earlier core), which means we just need to check what the model number field is and jump to the appropriate function.

To get a register from coprocessor 0, we use mfc0 <dest reg> <cop0 reg>.

So we could write a function that looks like this:

# #![allow(unused_variables)]

#fn main() {
mod cop0 {
    pub fn prid() -> u32 {
        let prid;
        unsafe { asm!("mfc0 $0, $$15" : "=r" (prid)) };

fn ee_setup() -> ! {
    unimplemented!("EE code goes here");

fn iop_setup() -> ! {
    unimplemented!("IOP code goes here");

fn _start() -> ! {
    let prid = cop0::prid();
    let model = prid & 0xFF00;

    match model {
        0x2E00 => ee_setup(),
        0x0000 => iop_setup(),
        _ => unimplemented!("Couldn't detect host processor"),


If we could compile code for the IOP, anyway. Note that it won't compile on the Rust Playground because the Playground runs on x86.

"Load and run the EE/IOP kernel"

Here's where things become a little painful.